What I Ate Wednesday #16 & What’s in my gym bag

Once again here is What I ate Wednesday hosted as per usual by Jen at Peas and Crayons:

As well as doing what I ate Wednesday this week I am also doing Ari @ The Pace of it All‘s What’s in my gym bag link up.

Let’s start with What I ate:

I started my day with my new favourite post workout snack of a smoothie made with Almond Milk, a Banana, Yoghurt, Peanut Flour, Maca Powder and a handful of spinach. I think I overdid the spinach a bit today looking at how green it turned out but it was still good!

I grabbed a Soy Chai on the way to work as I’m still doing 10 days without milk listening to the advice of the Naturopath. Looking forward to going back to my Skinny Chai’s though as I am getting charged a lot more at the only place I could find that makes decent Chais using soy milk.

For my mid morning snack I had a piece of Spelt Flour Berry Banana Bread but forgot to take a photo so had to re-use last weeks photo. That’s how much I love this stuff I can’t even wait to snap a photo before gobbling it up.

Lunch was salad made with spinach, alfalfa, cherry tomatoes, olives, artichokes, chia seeds, flaxseeds, blue cheese and nutritional yeast dressing. It was delicious.

For an afternoon snack I had a cup of tea and an apple.

For a later snack I had a pear. It was really good, I hadn’t had a pear in ages as they are a bit messy to eat but I will definitely be eating more of them.

Dinner was a bowl of my Cauliflower & Blue Cheese Soup that I haven’t made since Spring last year but had really missed it and now that it is colder here I am loving my soup. I had it with a piece of Spelt bread with some vegemite.

I may have some yoghurt for dessert but I am feeling quite full right now so will see how I feel.

Now gym bag time:

My workout ‘bag’ is actually just a supermarket shopping bag. Not very stylish but it does the job!

I always have 2 pens, just in case one doesn’t work and a bandaid just in case of emergency blisters.

I write all of my workout’s down so I have a notepad that I keep in my gym bag. At the moment I am carrying around both my old one and new one so I can reference back what weight’s I used for specific exercises.

Sweat towel. 

My much needed necessity – my iPod. 

Gym membership card.

Water bottle and keys.

As the gym is in our building I don’t need a lot of extras like car keys or my wallet or even a change of clothes which is very handy.

What is in your gym bag?

What did you eat today?

24 responses to “What I Ate Wednesday #16 & What’s in my gym bag

  1. Mmm that loaf looks amazing, and I have spelt flour, can't wait to try it. My gym is opposite my flat (no excuses) so I hardly take anything. I like your idea of keeping a gym diary, I just got a new notebook so I might have to copy that idea! x

  2. Yum, that soup sounds delicious! I only have a few things in my gym bag. Yearbuds, iphone arm band, towel, deodorant wipes, tampons (never know:-), a change of clothes for my son, a jump rope, a few dollars cash and a hair band. Oh and a water bottle, always!

  3. I don't even carry a gym bag haha. I just bring my water bottle and keys in with me each time I go. I don't mind being all sweaty when I leave, I usually just go straight home anyway! My schedule allows me to go to the gym without needing a bag!

  4. Wow, you ate so healthy all day! Good for you! And I love how organized you are for the gym. Although, I hope someone close to you sees your gym bag and takes the hint for a future gift idea! 😉

  5. The bread looks delish! Question for you: What are the benefits of alfalfa sprouts and nutritional yeast. I've been seeing so many food bloggers adding those to foods lately. I've barely heard of alfalfa sprouts prior and the only time I've seen yeast used is to cook bread! haha

  6. I keep band-aids on me at all times too. Lol. I actually have a few in my purse right now (and featured a cartoon one on my blog post today 🙂 ). I also always have to have hair ties on my wrist or in my bag. Never leave home without them!Great idea with the notebook and logging your workouts!

  7. Great day of healthy foods! Although i don't understand how milk is not ok with your naturopath yet cheese is….? Anyways, i found that my shop charges much less for a chai tea(with a teabag) and i just add soymilk at work myself and reheat it…..Ttrockwood

  8. I definitely recommend it, I love cooking with spelt!Keeping a gym diary has definitely helped me to push myself further in terms of weights etc and I find I can also then look back at old workouts for inspiration.

  9. Alfalfa I just like as it usually soaks up whatever dressing you use and makes it really tasty plus it is very good for you. Nutritional yeast before I started blogging I had no idea what it was either. It tastes kind of cheese like but without the calories, has heaps of protein (is great for vegans) and is very versatile. I recommend giving it a go 🙂

  10. Haha love it! I've been burnt before for not having bandaids on me so usually have some in my handbag as well as my gym bag. I usually also have hair ties on me and keep a spare in my gym bag in case the one I'm wearing breaks (I've had that happen before) but I used up my spare so really should replace it.It really helps and can make you more motivated to push yourself if you see what you did before 🙂

  11. 🙂 thanks.I had to google this as I had wondered this myself when she told me only milk. Apparently milk has more lactose in it than yoghurt and cheese and can cause more issues. Some soft cheese you also need to avoid if you are sensitive to lactose like cottage cheese and ricotta but blue cheese is ok because of how aged it is :)That's not a bad idea at all 🙂

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